Russian Red
Publicado el 28 noviembre 2008.
El otro día estuve en el concierto que dió Russian Red en Málaga.
Grupo Indie-Folk, en la que sin duda destaca la agudísima y a la vez angélica voz de Lourdes Hernández. El nombre de Russian Red viene de una marca de pintalabios que usaba la propia Lourdes, y canciones de su primer y único album ya han salido en películas y
Os dejo con mi canción favorita de ella...
Russian Red - Cigarettes
No tell me what it is, it isn´t fair
´cause I´m wasting time, but it isn´t my heart
it isn´t my fault.
And every situation understands, well
The anecdote of chasing the location to your door,
Yeah yeah…da da…
´cause I´m wasting time, now I´m wasting money again
and all the cigarettes that I have never smoked
And all the letters that I have never sent, da da…
And he was sitting by the swimming pool
But he was scared, ´cause it wasn´t his time, it wasn´t his chance.
Getting older´s not been on my plans
But it´s never late, it´s never late enough for me to stay, da da…
´cause I´m wasting time, now I´m wasting money again
and all the cigarettes that I have never smoked
And all the letters that I have never sent, da da…
Etiquetas: musica, video musical
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